How To Find The Work You Were Meant To Do

Many people find themselves on a journey to find that one job or that one elusive career that they are just ‘meant’ to do. They know it’s ‘out there’ somewhere as they continue their quest for a meaningful career.
But in a modern economy characterised by technology, globalisation and continuous restructuring and change - the job you were ‘meant’ to do may well dissappear from your industry, town or your country. What then..?
That’s when the notion of finding that one job/career you were ‘meant’ to do comes into question. And why I don’t really think there really is one single job we’re ‘meant’ to do. Even if there were, the modern reality is that it’s unwise to pin your career on the one job anyway - as it may well dissappear.
Instead, I think that we’re all equipped with a specific set of talents and unique abilities that, once discovered, allow us to apply them in any number of roles and vocations. It’s the application of those talents in the service of something that is bigger than ourselves that creates meaning.
The key to finding meaning, is to discover those natural talents and then find people, organisations or a cause that can benefit from those talents - rather than a specific ‘ideal job’. When you do that, you stop the search for the ‘one perfect job’ and instead create a career filled with a string of meaningful roles.
BUT, it’s worthwhile mentioning that ‘meaning’ doesn’t necessarily have to come from your work - it can come from elsewhere - your homelife, your family, your community, your religion, your hobbies, interests etc. If that’s the case, you may need to restructure your work life to give you the time, money and resources to achieve meaning elsewhere.